King James!!!!!....cant wait!!

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I can't help but feel a combination of excitement and shyness in doing my own work with how much energy you put out into everything you are doing. You make it seem all too easy, yet so daunting when you stack up how much you have your hands in.

Excited for more SiKTC merch and possibly some Wynd stuff down the line? Either way, will always show up with continual support!

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Nice Ass House on the Lake is so poggers! I was able to ahold of cover A&B of 1 & 2 first prints. Not trying to flex. I don’t have all the amazing variants. I do have the second print of issue 1 on order at my LCBS and I’m sure I’ll order ever subsequent print after.

Every ending I can imagine for this book is not happy(I dig that). Can’t wait to see the actual end. But that’s not to say I’m eager for it to end. Keep up the greatness.

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Congrats on the noms- great work all round 👏 👏

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Awesome update! Touched on a little of everything. Well done, can't wait for these updates to come to fruition as we get more breadcrumbs toward the future.

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