Dude! Yellowjackets and Succession are awesome! I watched Knock at the Cabin. It was ok. I am enjoying Lucky Hank. Bob Odenkirks new show. Maybe not for everyone but I really really like it. He plays an English college professor/writer "A mid-life crisis tale about the unlikely chairman of the English department in a badly underfunded college in the Pennsylvania rust belt".

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Man you are literally an inspiration from your prolific writing career (of somehow ALL impeccable work) to losing weight like I lose important shit. Thanks for never putting out a half-baked idea or product. I was always a major Timberlake fan but you’ve taken the spot as my number one artist known as JT. Also just realized how cool JT3 sounds 😝

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Hey man, - just got my TinyOnion book(s). Love the Gold Foil W0rldtr33 #1. But I was not expecting the foil regular cover W0rldtr33 #1. Was this an unannounced surprise? Super happy with it.

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Can't wait for Worldtr33, and thanks for the inspiration to try out my local boxing club. I've considered it for years and this was just the nudge I needed.

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Just FYI

I received my entire W0rldtr33 order today with no information from Diamond about holding back the issues or returning/pulping this run

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Looking good fam keep it up!!! Side note did you get to read/listen to "The Mary Shelly Club"? Just read on holiday last week, and was def a true page turner. Some solid YA horror. Cannot wait for World Tr33 and I am sure will be worth the wait, safe travels!

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thank you for letting everyone know the details!! you’re doing awesome and look pheNOMenal, congratulations on your efforts paying off!! :))))

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Looking slim and trim. Keep it up!!

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I am so happy to see your progress with your weight loss and fitness journey! We need you in tip-top shape so that you can keep writing for us for many, many, MANY more years to come. 😉 Keep up the great work and see you in Vegas!

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