It feels like you are in a zone right now, like Clive Barker or Stephen King in their prime. Your tone and pacing is perfect and feels the same as their short stories, which is what I love personally. They breathe. Keep up the good work, but don’t burn yourself out. Cheers.

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Nightmare Country...that was wild.

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Read SUNC#1!!! Really enjoyed it the second time I read it. I kept on getting distracted by the art work, I was losing where I was within the story. It was reminiscent of how I had to read The Sandman where the written dialogue was only part of the story and the art work completed it and made it whole. Truly cannot wait for issue #2.

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Shit yea! Good luck with your secret stuff! I don't wanna buy SKTCHD! Zdarsky rules! Lemire is usually a must buy because he is just that good! I got Ghost Cage signed copies on the way!

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